About Us
From a young age, our founders life revolved around sailing, biking and making lots of noise with drums!
As a kid, he sailed extensively with my family, making multiple trips from Halifax, NS to Georgetown, Exumas. In Georgetown, we were part of the Georgetown Cruising Regatta. For kids living on sailboats, it doesn't really get any better than this. While he didn't know it then, these experiences helped me find engineering and my love for machines, tools and design!

We are dedicated to helping bring ideas from napkin sketch to manufacturing, final product rendering, patenting assistance and everything in between!

Famous for the special cave where a James Bond movie was shot and pigs on a beach, this place holds a special place in my heart!
Another fond memory, circa 1991. Many cruisers would make their mark, carving a sign with names and dates. This is a protected area so the density of marine life is exceptional!